Breakfast Briefing: November 2023
Topic: "Judicial Reform's Impact on Business"
Speaker: Alan Wilson, South Carolina Attorney General
Join us as South Carolina's Attorney General discusses judicial reform's effect on business and…
Columbia Chamber Announces 2023-2024 Board of Directors
The Columbia Chamber is pleased to announce the 2023-2024 Board of Directors with the addition of twelve new members.
Karen Jenkins, KRJ Consulting, LLC, has been elected to serve as chairwoman of the board…
120th Diamond Gala History Video
The Columbia Chamber has been the regional voice of the business community since 1902. Take a step with us back in time for a short history lesson about the Columbia Chamber and its strong community Partners.
Columbia City Council Candidates Forum
Join the Columbia Chamber as we get acquainted with the candidates for the upcoming Columbia City Council election. Three candidates are vying for the at-large district and two candidates are competing in District 3…
Coffee with Carl: October 13, 2023
Coffee with Carl, a teleconference with the Columbia Chamber President & CEO focused on sharing information and answering questions for our Partners.
Hosted October 13, 2023.
Diplomat of the Quarter (Q4 2022-2023): Terry Judy
Our Diplomat Link program is a program that…
Northeast Connection Small Business Breakout – September 2023
Topic: Thriving as a Small Business Through Technology
Speakers: Adam Vance, Sound & Images and Christopher Williams, AI Nautics & Stem U
Join us for September's Northeast Connection as our…
Columbia Chamber Honors Local Leaders at Annual Gala
The Columbia Chamber is pleased to announce the award recipients for the 120th Annual Diamond Gala, presented by BlueCross® BlueShield® of South Carolina. On Thursday, October 5, 2023, the Columbia Chamber will hold…
Breakfast Briefing: September 2023
Topic: Safety is a Shared Responsibility
Speakers: Sheriff Leon Lott, Richland County and Chief Skip Holbrook, City of Columbia
Join us as Sheriff Lott and Chief Holbrook discuss vital concerns,…
2023 Ambassador of the Year Award Winner: Kim Wilkerson
The Columbia Chamber will honor Kim Wilkerson at the Chamber's 120th Annual Diamond Gala, Thursday, October 5, 2023.
The Ambassador of the Year Award, sponsored by Colonial Life, is presented to a…
Columbia Chamber Announces 2024 Leadership Columbia Class
Leadership Columbia, a Columbia Chamber program, presented by BlueCross® BlueShield® of South Carolina, for emerging and existing leaders in the Midlands, is pleased to announce the Leadership Columbia Class of 2024…
Small Business Breakout: August 2023
Topic: Growing Your Business in Uncertain Times
Speaker: Walker McKay, McKay Consulting Group LLC
Join us as sales expert, Walker McKay, shares proven methodologies to help small businesses…