Issues Forum Summary - March 2021
Topic: An Update on K-12 Public Education and Covid
Speaker: Molly Spearman, South Carolina Superintendent of Education
Superintendent Molly Spearman provides an update about the latest on issues that…
Issues Forum Summary - February 2021
Topic: COVID-19 Update
Speaker: City of Columbia Mayor Stephen K. Benjamin
City of Columbia Mayor Stephen K. Benjamin provides an update on important topics such as COVID 19 safety precautions,…
Issues Forum Summary - January 2021
Topic: Meet the New Richland County Council Members
Speakers: Gretchen Barron, Cheryl English, Jessica Mackey, Derrek Pugh, and Overture Walker
The five newest members of Richland County Council (Gretchen…
Issues Forum Summary - December 2020
Topic: SC House Perspectives for 2021
Speakers: Wendy Brawley, Micah Caskey, and Jermaine Johnson
Hear from SC House of Representatives members Wendy Brawley, Micah Caskey, and Jermaine Johnson as they…
Issues Forum Summary - November 2020
Topic: Update on Road Construction Projects
Speaker: Leland Colvin, Deputy Secretary of Engineering for SC DOT
Updates on road construction projects including Carolina Crossroads, Elmwood Avenue,…
Issues Forum Summary - October 2020
Topic: Views from Capitol Hill on the election cycle, SC military, and Covid-19 relief with Cassidy & Associates
Guest Speakers:
Kai Anderson, Chief Executive Officer
Russ Thomasson,…
Issues Forum Summary - September 2020
Topic: The Role of Diversity, Equality and Inclusion in the Workplace
Moderated by Kim Wilkerson, SC President, Bank of America
Tim Arnold, President, Colonial Life; Incoming…
Issues Forum Summary - August 2020
Speakers: Dr. Roslyn Artis, President, Benedict College; Mark Bieger, Chief of Staff, University of South Carolina; and Dr. Ronald Rhames, President, Midlands Technical College President
Issues Forum Summary - July 2020
Speakers: Dr. Craig Witherspoon, Superintendent, Richland School District One, Dr. James Ann Sheley, Assistant Superintendent, Richland School District Two, and Dr. Greg Little, Superintendent, Lexington School…
Issues Forum Summary - March 2020
Speakers: Ryan Coleman, City of Columbia, Sarah Johnson, Lexington County, Tracy McMillin, Central SC Alliance and Jeff Ruble, Richland County
Issues Forum Summary - February 2020
Guest Speakers: Chief Skip Holbrook, Columbia Police Department and Sheriff Leon Lott, Richland County Sheriff's Department
Moderator: Andy Shain, Post and Courier…
Issues Forum Summary - January 2020
Guest Speakers: Senator Dick Harpootlian and Representative Todd Rutherford
The Chamber's…